10 Tips to Use Quotes in Academic Essay Writing


We can all agree that education has made the world a better place. To be learned is a privilege awarded to each of us, and with every new day, we age like wine, getting more refined with more information. Writing is the apex form of communication to gauge our understanding of the education gained. And that’s where academic writing comes in. It’s not all about making the writing plausible; it’s about making it as right as you can.


The more spicing you add to your work, the better your writing. Take a moment and appreciate quotes; for example, change the perception of writing. The confidence accompanied by reports filled with quotes is astounding, awarding you a gown and cap for wit.

10 Tips to Use Quotes in Academic Essay Writing


Using Quotes in Academic Essays: Tips and Tricks

The following are expert tips on using quotes in academic writing.


  1. Ensure the quote marries the text.

For an organ transplant to be entirely successful, the body must be compatible with the organ, ensuring no ejection. For you to be an excellent essay writer, the quote used must marry the text swiftly and efficiently.


The quote will be of much meaning and effect in the proper context. It must go along with the text written and be relevant to the subject. Only then will you have succeeded in giving yourself a scholar award for effective use of quotes.

  1. Avoid long quotes.

Everyone is trying to score that A in his essay. There is no shortage of figurative language skills used by various students in that attempt. However, do not overdo any figure of speech employed. Like long sentences, long quotes can make you lose focus through reading and lose the point. Long quotes are a blinding red flag to the lecturer, and it is best to avoid them. Magnificence is the short quotes that drive the matter straight home and leave the reader in thought, swing at the craft applied to your essay.

  1. Use quotation marks on quotes applied.  

It is momentous to note that quotes are words borrowed to enrich your academic paper. Being borrowed words, quoting them is a necessity. Educational writing pieces have to be original and free from plagiarism. However, there is no harm in fashioning a quote within your article, provided the quote is in quotation marks. This saves you the trouble of falling subject to plagiarism cases. Mentioning the quote’s author and giving credit where it is due is also a step in the proper direction.

  1. Explain how the quote supports your case.  

Academic success depends on research and publications. The stepping stone to being an excellent writer is becoming an exquisite reader. It is through reading that we manage to apply quotes to our writings. Quotes, however, are like nuts. You must crack the nutshell open to reach the nut. Mentioning a quote comes with explaining the selection and why it applies to your text. Marrying the quote to the text may be cumbersome, so students employ essay services. You do not have to shy away from using quotes from a reliable essay service.

  1. Paraphrase the quote if you can. 

A quote does not have to be taken word for word. Whenever possible, try paraphrasing the quote to your terms. While writing your research paper, you come across an admiringly suitable quotation for your essay. However, the limiting factor to the user could be the length of the quote. Do not let the roadblock stop you; find a way around it. Try as much as possible to paraphrase a quote on your paper. Unless you want to keep the writer’s original words, try crafting a similar sentence to drill the point home.

  1. Do not overload your article with quotes.

The point is to get the best result for your essay. However, overdoing anything won’t do the trick. Avoid flaunting the mastery of using quotes all over your paper. Two or three quotes are enough to serve the purpose. Moreover, you can add many forms of symbolic speech and essay ornaments. Overuse of quotes will create trepidation about you in the art of paraphrasing. No one can sue you for not using quotations in your article. Remember, too many chefs ruin the broth.  

  1. Gather quotes relevant to your paper, then choose the best.  

Elimination carefully allows slow and steady summation to the best candidate. To date, the number of quotes soars in numbers that we’ve even lost count. Through the quest of crafting the best essay, the number of articles you will come across is incredible. However, do not settle on the first quote you lay your eyes on. There’s a better one hidden among the many phrases; sift through for it. Gather relevant quotes, then choose the one best suited for your text. In case of any problem, you can employ professional writing help for custom essays that allows you to learn the proper use of choosing quotes for your piece.

  1. Avoid citations from Wikipedia.

Wikipedia has gained its fame as the most popular web platform for acquiring information. All this credit has a reason for it. Wikipedia is open to many people, allowing them to add information they deem relevant. In this case, information obtained from Wikipedia will lose its credibility among lecturers and teachers since it is not entirely trustworthy. A bonus point for you would be quoting from sources outside the Internet, such as books.

  1. Use lead-ins before a quote.

Using a quote is like presenting shreds of evidence. A lead-in is essential for the teachers to know that a quote is introduced. The lead-in, in most cases, is the name of the author being quoted or the source of the quoted extract. An example of a lead-in is: Dolly Parton once said, ‘The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.’

  1. Cite your quote. 

This may not seem vital, but it is one crucial step students have missed over the years. It is important to cite a quote used in your article. This step is necessary, especially when using the MLA style for your essay. Cite the author’s name and the page number. Examples of citing your quote can be obtained from your preferred online writing service or guidance from your teacher.


The use of quotes may seem troublesome and time-consuming. However, it is the effort that gets awarded the most. Take the extra mile, and now that you have the tips for using quotes in essays, get to work.

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