A few minutes at the start of your day to read a good morning prayer to praise the Lord is almost always going to be worth it. You can’t get too much time alone with God, and I have found that these types of prayers will help you not only build a closer relationship with God, but also better focus on what you need to do for that day.
Good Morning Prayer to Praise the Lord
- Lord, it is early in the morning and I am thanking You for this day You have given me. I pray every morning in my own home to thank you. For my family and friends, please take care of them today. Keep them safe and bring joy to their hearts.
- Lord, I praise you this morning, with all of my heart. Give me the strength to overcome the trials and tribulations of today. Guide my work and put me in contact with those who share your love. Amen
- Today is going to be the best day of your life! God is up early thinking of you and will help you through the day, so just relax and do what makes you happy. Good morning!
- Hello God, I want to say thank you for blessing me with a great life. I especially want to thank you for my parents and my sister as well.
- Good morning Lord! How wonderful it is to see Your sun shining on this new day. You alone have the power to fill my day with happiness and pleasure. No matter what hardship I face, I know that You are with me to guide me and protect me.
- I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. I’ve been struggling with my life lately and knowing my savior puts everything in perspective for me. Please pray for me to bring the presence of God into every aspect of my life.
- Good morning Lord! It’s me again. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for another day of wonder, joy, and love. I appreciate your presence in my life and that you allow me to wake up every day happy and positive.
- Good morning, my wonderful Lord! I am so grateful today that you are in my life! Thank you for everything! I love you!
- Good morning, Lord. Please open my eyes to those who need my help today. I know you are always with me and that you will guide me to do your will. Help me be patient and kind even if I am having a bad day.
- Good morning Lord. I praise your name today and every day. My day could not be brighter, knowing that you are in control of all things. My prayers this morning are for my family at home and abroad, for my friends and loved ones.
- Good morning Lord! We give you praise and thank you for the day ahead. We ask that you show us your mercy, guiding us and helping us to grow. Thank you, Lord! Good morning my beautiful wife. I love you so much.
- May our souls glorify the lord like the heavens above. May your emotional love for me grow brighter with each passing day. Holy angels of intimacy, please guide our hearts with the light of
- purity, and may we always be one in spirit and one in love.
- Good morning Lord, I am so grateful for the peace and love you have given me. This day is great from the new hours in your universe. Let me be a good man to everyone who wants my help. I pray you let me improve in everything.
- May God bless you with happiness and joy on this beautiful morning. I pray that you had a restful night, and are enjoying this beautiful morning. Remember that the Lord is with you today and forever.
- Dear God, thank you for waking me up this morning. I am very thankful and appreciative of your blessing. This is the best morning of my life, thank you for all you have given me. If it wasn’t for you God, I wouldn’t be here right now.
- Dear Lord, thank you for watching over us each day. Thank you for hearing us when we pray. Thank you for answering our prayers and for blessing us with another day on earth. Thank you for this new day, thank you for my family, friends, and all of the people in our lives.
- I send this prayer out to you, Lord, to thank you for everything you’ve done and everything that you will do. Thank you for my husband, who loves and cares for me. Thank you
- Heavenly Father, I pray to you today that we may praise your name. Thank you for the gifts you bestow upon us. Thank you for the calm of the morning and the family that we cherish.
- Dear Lord, thank you for this new day. Thank you for all the blessings you have blessed me with. Please bless him and keep watch over him today and everyday. Keep him safe, warm, and loved. Love always and forever.
- Good Morning! Lord, to you I pray. Thank you for this new day and I thank you for the love you have given me. Only with your help can I make it through this day and every other to come. Amen.
- Good morning my friend, I just want to say you are in my prayers this morning. You are such an amazing person and friend. I can’t stop thinking of the joy you add to the world, it’s truly amazing! Good morning and may God bless you today.
- Lord for your faithfulness, I praise you. I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on me and my family! Lord I give thanks for all of your glory, and the life you have given me.
- Good morning Lord, I thank you for another day. I give thanks for your presence in my life and the life of my loved ones. You are always with us and we need your loving protection. Help us to remain faithful and true to you, Amen.
- Thank you for letting me feel the joys and pains of love. Let my heart always be open to your love, for it is only through these open doors that I can feel true happiness. thank you, Lord, for blessing me with another day to share the love with my family.
- God thanks for another day. You always give me the strength to make it through another day. Guide my steps lord keep me on the right path and fill my heart with your love.
- Good morning, Lord! I thank you for the beautiful day you’ve given us. Thank you for blessing us with safety, health, and love. Please continue to show us your love and kindness, and we will praise your name more and more all through the day!
- God, you are great and mighty. I pray that you will guide Richard this day and keep him safe. I pray that your angels will watch over him. Help him to make the right decisions throughout his day today Lord. Watch over him, my guardian angel.
- I want to thank you for the blessings you’ve given me so far. I’m going to live my life to the fullest and make the best of every day. I’m going to carry myself with pride and remind you that you have truly blessed me with an amazing family.
- It is time to praise the Lord with all our hearts. We cannot thank him enough for every blessing we have, but more importantly his unconditional love and grace. What an awesome day! I love you, Lord!
- Good morning Lord! I wanna thank you for all you’ve given me in life, especially my wife. She is the love of my life and I can’t express how blessed I feel. Thank you, Lord, for blessing her and me with our first child Matthew.
- Good morning God. It is a new day and a new beginning for me. Thank you for waking me up and helping my dreams come true everyday that goes by. I love you and I am praying for a good day.
- Dear Lord, I come to you today with praises and thankfulness. Thank you for blessing me with another beautiful day. For blessing me with the strength to not give in to the temptations of this world.
- This is a prayer to praise the lord with a positive and happy tone. May your day be blessed. Shine your light on all those you meet today and may their hearts be lifted higher and thanks to you.
- Dear Lord, I wake up every morning and thank you for this day. Today is going to be great! Thank you for making me a better person. I’m starting the day with an open mind and an open heart.
- Dear Lord, I pray that each and every day of my life brings me closer to you. Please guide me through this world so I may be the best person you want me to be. May I help others as much as possible and do only deeds with no regrets.
- I wake up every morning thanking the Lord for all the gifts he has given me. He has blessed me with a great life and a loving family, but most of all he blessed me with you. Thank you, lord.
- Dear lord, it is morning here on earth. The sun is shining and I am so happy I get to spend yet another day with my love. Please let the entire family find peace and happiness. Amen
- Good morning dear Lord, I pray that you will bless my day. Keep me safe while I travel on the road, help guide me in making good choices, and forgive me as I seek your guidance. Thank you for being with me every moment of everyday. Amen
- Oh, Lord. We want to thank you for this lovely morning and for the love we have to fill our hearts. We are thankful for the love of God and all our brothers and sisters in it. Help us to spread this love and make others feel it too.
- Thank you, Lord, for another wonderful day. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have showered upon me. May I never forget to thank you, Lord, may I carry gratitude in my heart and always remember to thank you, lord.
- Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning and making it a beautiful day. I pray to you that it is a good day, full of love and joy. I thank you for every part of my life.
- Good morning my friend. I just want to thank you for all the happiness you have brought into my life. Always know that I love you and that you are such a blessing to me.
- Lord, thank you for this morning. Thank you for giving me another day of life, another day to spend with my husband. Help him be successful at work. Help me be a good wife and a good mother to our children. Forgive me for the wrong I do today in your name.
- Good morning, God! I thank you so much for the joy and love you put into my life. Thank you for watching over me at all times, even when I don’t need you. Thank you so much! Be on my mind today as I go throughout my day.
- My dear Lord, You are so great! Thank you for another day to praise you. Help me to seek your will each and every day. Also, I pray that nothing but good things happen today and that I am constantly reminded of your love for me.
- Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day. Thank you for blessing me with 10 more years of life, and thank you for my family, friends, and pets. I ask that the lord will make this a wonderful day and bless us all with happiness. Thank you, Lord, amen.
- Good morning my beloved Lord. I offer you the countless blessings that you have given me today and I praise your name. You are truly a wonderful God of Mercy and Kindness.
- Good morning, dearest Lord! I praise you for the best day ever! I am really thankful to walk this earth by your side. Today is a good day, a special day…here in our home and in our lives.
- Dear Lord, I pray that you guide me through the day. I know your will is greater than I could ever imagine and I know my faith might be weak. Please give me your strength so that I may hold up under the chaos of this world.
- Good morning my lord. You are great and worthy of all praise. Fill my heart with your love today and shine your light upon me. May my family and friends be safe, happy, and healthy today.
- Saying good morning to the lord is my new thing. It helps me to kick off a day in a fresh way. I tried writing in different ways, but this one seems to bring the most joy and peace. Maybe it’ll be good for you too!
- Good morning Lord, I wake up thanking you for another day and sharing with my family! I pray to stay safe as I step out into the world around me. Thank you for my health, the people around me, and the wonderful things that happen every day.
- I pray that the Lord will illuminate you and grant you the guidance and wisdom to accomplish anything. I pray that his blessings will flow through you and bring abundance for you so that you can be a blessing in return to others.
- Lord, thank you for this new day and the wonders it brings. Fill my heart with love and joy, help me to be at peace with myself, others, and in your will. With all my heart I praise you and your love that has saved me.
- Dear Lord, I know that you are all-powerful and that nothing escapes your eye. Please guide me and protect me today, as I go through my day. Please help me make the right decisions and to have the strength to stand up for what’s right.
- Lord, I pray your light shines on everyone today. Your love shines brighter than the sun and you show everlasting kindness as rain falls to the earth. You are the giver of life, so thank you for all you do and shine your light upon us all.
- good day to you, dear lord. I thank you for your mercy, love, and blessings that you have bestowed upon me. I trust in you and am humbled by your presence every day.
- I praise you Lord for bringing joy to my life and filling my days with endless happiness. I love you for all that you are, and all that you give me. Thank you!
- Good morning my lord, thank you for your blessings. Thank you for the gift of life, for another day to spend with my friends & family. Help me today to be your servant and use me to bless others.
- God blesses us everyday with a brand new day, for us to do what we can to improve ourselves and make this world a better place. We are blessed with many gifts: love, health, family, and friends.
- May you be filled this day with the gifts of laughter and love. May your heart be warmed through a thoughtful word, a special hug, or a prayer. And may each new sunrise remind you to thank The Father for giving us another day together.
- Good morning Lord, as I wake up, let me give you my love, my heart, and all that I am. Fill me with your power and presence so I can be an example of your love towards all things. Amen
- good morning Lord, I thank you for another day, I thank you for my blessings and for the hard work I have put in to get here, I am grateful for my family and friends that have helped me get through hard days.
- Dear Lord, let me be the change I wish to see in my world. Surround me with love and compassion, open my heart to joy, help me be the best person I can be. Thank you for each moment of today.
- Good morning my dear friend. I am blessed to still have you in my life; you are a blessing to me and my family, guiding us through each day. You are the strong tower that I run to at the end of every rough and stormy day. Good morning!
- Thank you, Lord, for all the good things in my life. Thank you, Lord, for making me a great parent. Thank you, Lord, for my loving husband. I am so grateful that I have a good life, and thank you lord every day.
- Good morning dear lord. Please be with me today and help me get through the day. I love you lord and I really need your help. Hold my hand and show me the way. Through rain, thunder, and hail, run this day with me – we will make it if you are there!
- Dear Lord, I pray for your blessings this morning and ask that you keep my family safe. Thank you for the gift of life. I am so grateful for all the small pleasures in life I receive.
- I prayed for you today as I do every morning. As my heart beat faster and my body moved me closer to you, I asked the Lord to bless you and let you know that I’m always thinking of you. You are an amazing man, a man of truth, smart compassionate.
- My savior, my hope, my Lord, my God. I pray for your protection and guidance throughout the day. Thank you for all your great miracles. Let the joy of today be reflected on the smiles of tomorrow!
- I love you Lord, please be with us today. I pray that you will open our hearts to the needs of others. Help us to share your love and light with the people around us.
- I feel blessed to wake up each morning and see your beautiful face. I pray for the day we will be together and wake up to this sight every morning for the rest of our days. I pray that God will fill my heart with the love and compassion you need in your life.
- I wake up each morning thanking God for the gift of your love. May you find peace within yourself and joy in the world. May the light of your soul fill your life with love, happiness, and faith.
- Good morning lord. I praise you today for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. This day is your day and I promise to take time to live in the moment and be appreciative of what I have while you walk beside me.
- Dear Lord, I am thankful for another day. Help us to be more friendly, open, and talkative. Lead us to our true love. And guide us in the way we had planned for.
- God, Thank you for waking me up this morning and giving me another day to live. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful life! I pray that today will be a very special day! Lord, please bless my family, friends, and all those I love so much.
- I am grateful to God for the life that I live and I praise the Lord that he has allowed me to wake up this morning, to be in your arms where I belong. I thank God for blessing my relationship with you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
- Dear Lord, You are the one who brings morning every day. Help me to see a new day as a new opportunity to give thanks for all you have done for me. Let my thoughts be positive and my attitude cheerful. I’m so grateful for all you have given me.
- May the Lord fill you with His peace and joy today as you begin another day and night. May you be blessed today, that His mercy is on your path today. May He be with you to comfort and strengthen you.
- Good morning lord. I pray that today will be a splendid day and that I may thank you for all the gifts that are given to me. I pray each day may be filled with positive people, fun experiences, and joys every-day.
- Good morning God, I praise you for this new day. I praise you for my family and friends, our food, our home, and all you provide us. I pray today will be a blessing and thank you for the amazing life you have given me.
- Good morning my lord. I’m praising your name today, thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for blessing me with another day of life, help me to make it a great day in your honor.
- Thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for friends, family, and loved ones. Please bless those I interact with and pray for me to make smart decisions throughout the day.
- Good morning friends and family. I hope all of you are having a great day. Please pray for me as I apply for scholarships today, and never forget to spread your love with others.
- Good morning, God. It’s good to see you again today. I’m sorry that I let you down in the past. I know that you will help me through this day because you always do! You are the best! Thank you for everything.