Happy 6th Birthday to My Son Letter

Happy 6th Birthday to My Son Letter: Birthdays are a special time for children. They get to celebrate the day they were born and have the opportunity to show their parents how much they care about them.

This is why we’ve created a collection of happy 6th birthday letters for your son that can be printed out and given to him on his special day.

These letters will remind your child of how much you love them, as well as help them feel special on their big day.

Happy 6th Birthday to My Son Letter

Dear Son,

You are six years old. I cannot believe it! Time flies so fast, and you continue to grow up before my eyes. It seems like just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. Now, it’s your birthday!

I can’t wait to celebrate with you! You are one of the most amazing people I know, and I am so proud of who you have become. When we first met, I never could have imagined how much love would grow between us. You are such a sweetheart and a joy to be around. Your energy is infectious—it always brings smiles to everyone in our family!

You’re a creative kid who loves art and music. You have a wonderful imagination and love making up stories about all kinds of things—from dinosaurs to dragons. And because you’re so smart, your stories are always so detailed and full of details—I can’t wait until you start writing them down!

As your mommy, I hope that this letter will help bring back some memories from when you were little (or maybe even earlier than that!). It’s been such an honor watching


Dear [son’s name],

As you turn 6 years old today, I want to take a moment to thank you for being such a wonderful son. You bring so much joy into our lives every day. We love spending time with you and are so proud of the kind, thoughtful person you are becoming.

I know that your birthday is going to be filled with laughter, fun, and lots of presents! We can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight (and tomorrow!). But first things first: let’s make sure that we’re all dressed up and ready for the big day!


Dear Son,

It’s your birthday and I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. You’re such a sweet and happy little boy, and I’m so proud of the person you’ve become.

You’re so adorable. You love to read and play with your friends, and you always have a smile on your face. You are kind and caring, and those are things that will help you throughout life.

I am so grateful for all that you have given me in these past six years: laughter, joy, love… even some tears! But mostly laughter because that is what makes life worth living! I hope these next six years will be filled with fun memories for both of us as we grow older together!


To my dear son,

I am writing to you on your sixth birthday to wish you a happy birthday and to tell you how much I love you.

I know that your friends are going to be bringing you lots of presents today but none of them will be as special or as important as the gift that I have for you today: a letter from me telling you how much I love you.

This is not just any ordinary letter though—I want this letter to be one that we can both read over and over again when we’re feeling sad or lonely or maybe even angry. And then, when we read it together again later on in life, we can remember all the good times we had together during those early years of your life and all the fun things we did together too!

You’re growing up so fast—every day brings new challenges and opportunities for us both! We’ll have many more birthdays together down the road (and probably some more letters too), but today is special because it marks another year of your life spent with me by your side every step of the way!


Dear [Name],

Today is your 6th birthday, and I couldn’t be prouder of the young man you are becoming. You have been such a blessing to our family, and I’m so excited to see what the next year holds for you.

This past year has been filled with so many incredible moments that we will remember for the rest of our lives. We celebrated your first day of school, watched you grow from a little boy into a big one, celebrated when you started playing soccer, and laughed together as we ran around outside at night looking for constellations in the sky.

I know that sometimes being a kid can be hard—you’re learning new things about yourself every day and growing up fast. But it’s those moments when life seems uncertain or scary that makes us appreciate what we have even more than ever before.

I hope that this coming year brings many more adventures and opportunities for growth! You’re an amazing kid who is going to do great things someday!

Happy 6th Birthday to My Son, you are the apple of my eye. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Happy birthday!


Every time I see you a smile takes over my face. You are the happiest best boy in the entire world and you always make me so proud. From the moment I saw you six years ago, I knew my life had changed forever. Happy 6th birthday buddy.


You are my little boy. You bring me such joy it’s almost impossible to put into words. You are so sweet and caring, a boy I can be proud of. I love you so much and am completely in love with you. It’s hard to believe you are six years old!


Today my little man became six years old. It seems like yesterday that you were only 6 months old! I brought you home from the hospital and you fit into my arms perfectly. Now…you are a big brother and a small adult!


I love you more than words could ever express. You are my bright little star and I am so proud to be your dad. You are an amazing person and I cannot wait to see how much you will grow and change in the years to come. You make me smile and fill my heart with joy.


I know you’re a big boy now, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less. I still want to pick you up and give you the biggest hug. I will always be there for you, and to wipe away your tears if needed. I can’t wait to give you lots of cake and ice cream later! Stay sweet my little angel.


I don’t know how to put into words my love for you. You are growing up so quickly and I just don’t know what to do with myself. You have turned into my little buddy and best friend. I love spending time with you. I can’t wait to see what crazy adventures the next year brings us!


You are smart, funny, kind, and sweet. I often wonder how I ended up with such an awesome son! I am so proud of the young man you have become. Thanks for the ride buddy!


Happy 6th birthday my darling boy. Today is your special day, a day that you’ve been waiting for all year. I look at you right now and you are the replica of innocence and joy. I do hope that one day you will be able to remember this day forever.


I want this day to be like no other, a day that includes all things amazing. Surprises out in numbers like low gravity in the milky way galaxy. Happy 6th birthday


Wishing my sweet boy a very happy 6th birthday! As we watch you grow every day, your mom and I have our arms spread wide open for you. You will always be our baby boy but you are growing up to be a fine young man. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.


I have been thinking a lot about your 6th birthday, and I can’t wait to see what adventures we will have as you grow up. You are such a special boy, you make me laugh every day. You have the best sense of humor and I am so happy you are mine!


You are the son any parent could ever hope for and I feel so lucky that you chose me to be your dad! Happy 6th birthday


Come to your dad and me if you ever have any questions or anything you may be unsure of. Your dad and I want only the best for you, we want to make sure you are happy and feel loved. You’re 6 today! Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday, my dear baby boy. Growing up has been exciting and fun watching you learn new things every day. Friends are great, but you have always got to have time for the family! Love mommy


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KID! You are the funniest and most amazing kid I’ve ever known. All you want is to have fun (and to eat a lot). When I look at you, my heart melts. You are the love of my life, the best thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot wait to see you grow up into a kind adult! You know how much I love you, right? Well…I do!


I feel so lucky boy, to have you as a son! I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you in my life. You bring so much warmth, happiness, and love into my life and that is why I feel so blessed to be your mom! I love you more than you will ever know! Always.


I always knew you were a star. You have been since the day you were born. Behind your smiling eyes, I saw greatness, warmth, and compassion only a child could possess, yet behind those eyes, I felt an inner strength that I just KNEW was going to take you far in life. And here you are now six years old – as bright as ever!


Happy 6th birthday to my little Prince Charming. I want to give you all the world has to offer and more. I want to take away all your pains and provide you with the best of everything and I hope to give you all a lifetime of happiness.


You are my superhero who taught me how beautiful life is, how much love there is in this world and that even in the darkest moments there is always hope! Happy 6th birthday


Happy 6th birthday, son! You truly are so lucky to have the friendliest father in this world. Every single time I look at you I can’t help but smile. I will be your best friend and the greatest father anyone could ask for.


Happy 6th birthday! You bring so much love, laughter, and fun to our home. You have your mother’s joy and spirit, and your father’s sense of humor. Hope you have an awesome birthday and thank goodness for you getting older because that means I get younger!


I love you, my sweet angel. You are the light of my life and the best thing in the world to me. I thank God every day for giving you to me. You bring me so much joy and laughter! Happy 6th birthday


I know there will be hard times ahead, but we will face them together because we are one family! I wish you a day full of fun, laughter, and gifts. Happy birthday sweet boy! Mommy loves you very much!


I’m so proud of the young man you’re becoming. You are kind and sweet, always making sure to notice when someone needs a smile. I am lucky to have a son like you who looks at the world around him with such wonder in his eyes. I love you so much!


Today is your birthday and I just wanted to say thank you. For the last 6 years of my life, you have brought me such joy. You make every day special, you bring a smile to my face when things get tough. You are my life and I love you with everything in me!


Happy 6th birthday to my son! I am so proud of the man you are growing up to be. You are a great friend and make us so happy with your smile. I know that you are great at making decisions, so today I am letting you choose a gift from those mommy and daddy have picked out for you. I love you baby boy, happy birthday!


Today your turning 6 years old. Not quite a little boy, but so much fun to have around! I love you so very much and hope that you have an amazing day.


I want to take the time to tell you how special you are, baby. You were born on such a cold and stormy night, but I couldn’t be happier that we got our little boy! And now you are 6 years old! Look at how much has changed. You are the smartest, most awesome little boy I know.


I wish I could contain my love for you into a single card, but I am too frail of a man to do so. I wish that only the best the world has to offer befalls you in all aspects, in your health, education, safety, and your life as a whole.


Happy 6th birthday, On this day I stand corrected on my shortcomings as a parent, father, and lover. You are my son and more; my friend who I cherish and love unconditionally.


Happy birthday to my Lil monster. You’re 6 years old today and I can’t believe how fast you are growing up. I miss the days when you would run around the house in circles until you fell on the ground laughing so hard you would snort.


Happy 6th birthday, Although we still have plenty of fun and laughter, I hate to see you growing up so fast, but I know that it will be well worth the wait. Enjoy your day son! Love you loads!


I hope that today is a special one for you! Six years ago today I became a dad. Nothing has ever made me feel as great as when I look at your sweet, innocent face. I’ve been so fortunate to be your dad and I promise to always love, protect and guide you. Happy birthday and much love!


Hi Sam, How are you? I am still very sad today. I miss you! Mommy is thinking about you and loves you very much. You are only a little for a short time, so enjoy it! Love, Dad


I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are my little boy who completes my life. You keep me laughing and smiling and make every day amazing! I can’t ask for a better gift than you!


You are my biggest blessing, my reason for living. I am forever grateful to have you, even if I have to share you with your mommy. You bring so much joy and laughter into my life and I truly hope you know how much I love you.


You have grown more than I ever thought possible. You are such an advanced little boy, full of knowledge and love. I can’t believe how much you have changed from when we first got you all those years ago. You and your sister bring so much joy to our lives and we wouldn’t trade you two for the world. We love you!


I wanted to be the first to tell you that you are going to be a big brother. I’m so excited and can’t wait for you to meet him or her! I LOVE YOU more than anything in this entire world.


Happy 6th birthday to my ace, you are great! I am so lucky to be your Dad. I want you to know that I love you no matter what happens, through thick and thin, good times and bad. Thank you for making me a wonderful father, and thank you for being in my life. I hope that we can always be together.


Happy birthday to my sweet and amazing son! I cannot believe how fast the last 6 years have sped by. Watching you grow into such a smart, kind, thoughtful, and handsome young man makes me smile every day.


I am so excited to see where life takes you because I know that it will take you places you never imagined. I’ve always loved you since you were in mommy’s tummy and I will always love you till the end of time.


Happy birthday little man! I can’t believe you are six already! You are the best little brother and son anyone could have. I look forward to spending many more years with you. Happy birthday little man, I love you so much!


Today I want to take the time to wish my best friend on earth a very happy sixth birthday. You are such a blessing in our lives and we are truly grateful that God sent you to us. You are an amazing little boy and we love you more every day. Happy 6th birthday, sweetie!


How have you been? I would love to see you one day when your parents come back from their trip. I hope your birthday was special and filled with love and happiness. I just want to tell you that I miss you and I can’t wait for us to be together again.


My dear friend, I wanted to tell you that your son is doing great! He’s so smart and energetic and we have a lot of fun! You should come to visit us more often, but until then I will always keep an eye on him.


What a joy you are in my life. You bring me so much love and joy. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in just a year! And the amazing thing is, I love you, even more, every day. You make me happy, laugh, and do all the things I wish I could.

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