Morning Prayer for a Good Day at Work

We pray to God to grant us a good day at work, but we don’t really think it through. If we do, we neglect the time and the energy which is wasted in getting to work and getting back home again. And if we take care of our prayer for a good day at work, it will become much better than we could not even imagine.

Morning Prayer for a Good Day at Work

  • I pray for a good day at work. That my clients are nice and cooperate with me, so things go smoothly and on time. That my boss let me go 15 minutes early, because of all the extra time I had to spend on that contract.


  • I’m excited for a great day at work! I hope my clients are super nice and that things go smoothly today. I would appreciate it if my boss let me go 15 minutes early to enjoy the last of this beautiful weather!


  • Hey, God! It’s me, Bridgette. I am having this crazy workday, where I have to deal with difficult clients and my boss is riding me about that contract I just submitted. Please give me the strength and patience to help me get through today safely.


  • I wish for an excellent day at work for all of my friends. That we can cooperate and work as a team, that we all work diligently, and show each other respect.


  • I’m so grateful to have a job that I love going to. It’s so great to have bosses and colleagues who are open-minded and helpful. I pray for positive energy in the office so we can all be happy together.


  • Before the day begins, I stop and give thanks for the many blessings I am surrounded by. A job that is satisfying and meaningful, a supervisor who appreciates my efforts and supports my growth, colleagues who are helpful and supportive.


  • I say to myself, “it’s time for work”, as I make sure that I am in a good mood.


  • I’m starting my day with a positive attitude and high hopes for a great day.


  • I’m looking forward to coming into the office today. I hope it will be a productive and fun day.


  • I’m someone who brings positive energy to the workplace. I am a loyal and hard worker and will do everything I can to help my team. Everybody around here is always happy to see me because I bring good vibes and positivity with me everywhere I go.


  • Give me the opportunity to come up with new ideas for projects, and allow me to be a leader on my team. Enable me to make new connections that advance my career path.


  • To the one I love. Today is the beginning of a great day at work because you are in my heart. Without you, in my life, I’d be enemies with boredom and sadness. I am so lucky to have your love each and every day, even if it’s just for a brief moment.


  • Good morning dear God. Today I pray you will give me the power to work hard and achieve greatness in my job. Let me start this day with a great attitude and the ability to put in a good performance at all times.


  • Dear Lord, please watch over me today. Help me to see those who need love or those who need a kind word. I want to help others in whatever ways are needed. Please make the words I speak today full of inspiration and drive.



  • God, please help me have a great day at work, please watch over my family and bless them all. Bless the person reading this prayer, that you will give him patience and good health. Please be a light in the darkness and guide me on my way.


  • Dear God, please bless my day at work. Always keep a smile on my face and help me be productive while I am there. Let me make lots of friends who I can trust and respect.


  • Please God, let this day be a good one. Send me the strength to be the best I can be and the wisdom to realize when I need help. Let it be one of my better days, where I make a difference in someone’s life, where I hear a kind word or learn something new.


  • May God bless you and give you peace this day. May you begin your day with a sense of personal peace and enjoyment. May you feel energized, vitality, capable, and creative for the tasks ahead. May all go as planned today.


  • Lord, please be close to me this morning and throughout the day. I have many tasks ahead of me that must get done. Give me strength and wisdom as I do my work for you this day.


  • Please guide me through my day and watch out for everyone. Please don’t let anything bad happen (or good). Just please keep everyone safe and guide them to the right path if they
  • should stray.


  • Dear God, please let today be a good day at work. Give me strength to get through and support from my family and friends. We know you are there and that you are watching over us. Thank you for all the blessings, with love,


  • Well, morning! I hope you bring me the week with many opportunities and success. Good luck will be following you during the day tomorrow, and I believe it will be really good.


  • Oh, blessed morning! I wish you to shine on me kindly, to make me joyful, and grant me peace.


  • I wish you a day full of success – to be inspired and feel motivated by yourself and others around you. Wishing you an abundance of happiness, love, and great accomplishments today!


  • Good morning, God. I pray that today I will be in a calm and loving mood. Help me and the people I come across be kind to each other. May this day bring forth much love.


  • Lord, thank you for blessing me with another morning to go to work. Thank you for blessing me with good health and the strength to go. Please help me as I grow closer to you and bring more faith in my life.


  • May the Lord guide your day and bring you to the place where he is leading you. May the eyes of your heart be enlightened to know his will, and may he give you the courage to follow him. Blessings on you this day and all days.


  • Today is the start of my work week and I am ready! I have so much energy and drive. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful job. The people, clients, and products that I work with help me every day to grow, learn and become a better person.


  • God bless you on this day. May it be the beginning of great things to come. Also, remember to have a good day at work!


  • Dear Lord, today I am going to the office and will be very busy all day. Please be with me and guide me while I am there.


  • God, please protect us and keep us safe today. Help us to be kind to people around us. Please bless our bosses and co-workers, bring them good health.


  • I want to start my day with a positive attitude and a smile on my face, no matter what comes my way. Today I will not let anyone’s opinions of me affect my feelings. I am in control of my life and no one else.


  • As I am starting my day, I thank you for the new day. This morning I promise to be more in tune with you. I will fill this day with positive energy and energy of love.


  • May the love of those you care for be with you through the day. Today will bring many occasions to share this love. Be open to all those whom we meet and more importantly, be open to the love being offered back.


  • Oh God bless me for my work is much to do. My soul is filled with worry of late. I’ve lost all hope because I am alone. Shed a ray of light in the darkness. I pray for peace in my heart, come and set it free!


  • I feel you in the palm of my hands and on the tips of my toes. You’re like the sun beaming down on me, uplifting my spirit and brightening my day. I love you and thank you for these blessings.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for all that you have provided me with and all the good things you have brought into my life. I pray that I will be as good to others as you have been to me.


  • Lord, let today be the day I do something good for someone else. Someone who may need some assistance in life. Help me be bold, continue to be humble, and be open to all of life’s possibilities.


  • Dear God, please watch over me and my workmates today. Guide our hands, guard our hearts and make us all feel like a vital part of the team. Amen.


  • Lord, bless my day. Help me focus on the task at hand and help me to set my worries aside. Guide me during the trial of others, especially those who are mean to me. Guide me to be polite and respectful.


  • I will try my best to keep calm and work as hard as I can for you today! Thank you for being there for me.


  • Good morning my dear, I am praying for a smooth day at work. I wish you all the best before I start my tasks today. Have fun with your top priority item.


  • Dear God, please let today be a good day at work. Thank you for the peaceful night that I had. Please let me have a good time at work and the friends around me are doing well. Give my boss peace of mind and health.


  • As I lay here praying for a good day on this very special day, my mind wanders to the one person that is so special in my life. Together we have faced all kinds of storms, and have come out stronger than ever. am so thankful you came into my life.


  • With loving-kindness, I say good morning to you. May you be well through this day. May you smile always and may everything goes your way today.


  • Dear God, please help all of us at work, today. Please keep us safe and healthy. Help us to have an amazing day and to be kind and courteous with all of our patients. Amen.


  • I hope this day turns out to be the best of your life. Have a great day my friend!


  • Thank you, dear God, for bringing me to this new day. Remind me that even in the worst of situations, you are with me. Thank you for providing work to do and the strength to survive all of my challenges.


  • You have me at your mercy, God. I know that you are with me even when I am not with you. Please guide my actions today…


  • I pray that you have a good day at work today. I pray that your smile is contagious and you make someone’s day just because you are you. I also pray that we have time to talk tonight and go on a date to the park, remembering how much we love each other.


  • Good morning Lord. I am a grateful man for the gifts you have bestowed upon me in life thus far. Thank you for my family and friends, my good health and career, my faith, and my good values.


  • Good morning!! I’m sending you this note instead of a text because I wanted to catch you while you are on your way, but I want to wish you a great day at work, I pray that all the things you plan to do today will be blessed and successful. God bless you.


  • Good Morning my love. May you have the best day ever! I know I will because you are in my heart. Always thinking of you sweetheart.


  • Good morning everyone! As we all start our week off, I just wanted to wish everyone a great day. May God bless you and grant you strength and wisdom as you go through life’s adventures! Happy Monday!


  • My friend Angel… I wish you a good day at work today. Protection and guidance my friend, wherever you may go. Your journey to work would be free of conflict and distractions, accidents, or mishaps.


  • I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do today, I know that you’re going to make it a great day. Good luck at work, have a stress-free day, with lots of smiles and happiness. Have a wonderful day ahead!


  • I am sending good thoughts your way. Wishing you the best day possible and may all the good things in life come your way.


  • Dear Lord, please bless me with a good day at work. Help me to become more productive in my job today and to complete all of my tasks.


  • Today is a brand new day, with plenty of opportunities for good things to happen. I wish for myself and for all my friends, peace, love, and joy. May every good thing we do today reflect our One True God who loves us all.


  • I hope this finds you well. I was thinking of you this morning and how great life is, how blessed we are to have found each other and to be building a life together. I love you so much!


  • Dear God, bless everybody that I’m going to meet today and give me the strength to focus and finish my work tasks. Keep me safe from accidents and help me to assist those in need. Amen


  • Dearest St Jude, I pray that today be a wonderful day even if it has to come through my own efforts. Please guide me in my quest to reach the goal I am striving for. May all my hopes and prayers be fulfilled through your guidance.


  • Headed off for work but before I go, let me remind you of how much I love and appreciate you. May you have a productive day at work and may the good Lord watch over you and keep you safe. I’ll see you this evening when I get home.


  • May all your troubles during the day go away and the joys and happiness of life come to you. May you always smile when you talk, And may all those you deal with feel happy.


  • I pray that today I am blessed with an abundance of Divine Love and Protection. Enable me to capture the Love, Light, and Power of God in everything that I do today, to bless myself and others.


  • Good morning baby! Thank you so much for giving me the courage to go out and take control over my life for the better. I know you’ll be with me throughout this day. I think of you always (but not as often as I should).


  • You are a blessing in my life. Please be with me today and always. I need your support, protection, strength, and guidance. Help me always to treat people with kindness, respect, and honesty.


  • May God bless you and grant you a good day at the office


  • Dear Lord please smile on me today at work and protect me from any obstacles that may come my way as I go about my daily duties. Help me to be a positive influence in the workplace and inspire others through my actions.


  • Good morning, God. Thank you for another day to wake up and experience the world, filled with smiles and laughter. Thank you for my family and friends who make this world a better place.


  • Dear God, Bless me with a good day. Give me the strength to deal with people and obstacles. Show me success in all of my endeavors. Please continue to show love to my friends and family.


  • I’m so grateful for a beautiful day! I’m thankful for you in my life. Thank goodness your heart is so giving because I would be lost without it. Thank goodness you are in my life, in the morning and always. I love you and everything about you!


  • Good morning God. I know where I go when I am alone. I run through my head, the person I know best, the person who made me. He is there telling me that it will be alright and that my body can do anything.


  • Lord, thank you for the new day. Thank you for the strength to face another day. Help me to strive to do my best in everything I do today.


  • Dear Lord, I pray for a good day at work. Please guide my hands so I can do my job well. Please help me learn something new and inspire me to do better all the time.


  • God, give me the strength to keep going. I need a good day at work today. Give me the patience to handle my superior and the courage to face the day’s obstacles. I need a good day at work today… Thank you, God, for all you have given me.


  • I send this good morning prayer from the bottom of my heart. May God’s grace and mercy surround you today and fill your heart with a sense of peace. May your day be blessed with His glory, love, joy, peace, and many more blessings. Good Morning.


  • Dear God, thank you for today and the opportunities you have given me. Please help me be the best version of myself, help me to take advantage of these lessons that I am sure to learn. Please bless my family and friends, with all positive things in life.


  • Dear Lord, I want to thank you for this amazing day that you’re about to bless me with. I want to ask you for patience in my coworkers, energy for the long day that lies ahead, and guidance on how I can best serve you throughout the day.


  • Dear God, it is morning. I want to ask you for a good day at work for me, but most of all I want to thank you for all the blessings you have given me in my life. I hope today will be a good day. Amen


  • Oh, God! I pray for a good day at work and for a safe trip. I pray for my acceptance at college and financial stability. I pray for wisdom and guidance in life to accept responsibility. I pray that as I follow your path, you’ll lead me on the right one. Amen!


  • Hope your day at work is great. I can’t wait to see you tonight.


  • Dear Lord, thank you so much for this awesome day. Please give me the strength to be a better person than I was yesterday. Keep my head here and not up in the clouds and make my work go by fast.


  • May today be your lucky day and all troubles avoid you. May all your worries fade away, be happy and free throughout the day. May you have nothing but sunshine along the way and may this day be a good one for you.


  • Good morning my love, I am sending this prayer out for a great day at work for both of us.


  • Hey God! Please don’t let me be too late for work! Thanks for the breath in my lungs, the beating of my heart. And please let me have a good day at work. I can’t wait to see you again.


  • Dear God, I pray for a great day at work. I pray for strength to help the people around me and the strength to know what is wrong and how to make it right. I pray to work smart and not be afraid to ask for help.


  • Today will be a great day at work for me, I have faith in my heart that it will be so! Let this day bring growth and joy, and let me do my best. I pray for protection from all evil. May the power of God bring all that goes right today.


  • Dear God, Please help me get this job done today. Please give me the motivation I need to work hard. I am excited and ready to go. Show me in my dreams what I should be working on now. Thanks.


  • I am awake and ready to face another day. I have faith in myself and great hope for what the future has in store for me. I promise to be the best person possible. With your help, my dreams will come true.


  • Dear God, please let me have a good day at work. When I go to close a deal, help my words to be clear and honest. When I have to speak up at a meeting, give me the wisdom to know just what to say.


  • Good morning, I pray that you open the doors of opportunity and that all my endeavors today be blessed. I pray for success in my career, good fortune in love, and happiness throughout my day.


  • Dear God, please watch over my husband Karl today. He is such a good man and has worked hard to get where he is. I wish for the best for him and know that he will have a safe trip to work and back home.


  • May God bless you and protect you from evil. May he bless your food and drink, and fill your heart with gladness that your eyes will see good things when they look. May he bless our country, our homes, and all of us with his love.

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